
Showing posts from July, 2021


     "You never know how your bad luck is                 stopping your worst luck."     Once in a small town, there was a big kite festival where people, all over the region gathered to fly kites.         A farmer and his son also went there. Son because of seeing it the first time, was amazed by a number of colorful kites flying up above his head. He also wished to get a kit and a roller of thread to participate in the festival. Father accepted and brought him the things he wanted.     It was not long when his kite was also touching the sky. But then son observed one thing and shared it with father.          " Ha father! I think this thread is stopping the kite to fly further up. Can we not cut the rope loose and let the kite fly freely?"    Father took a blade and did as his son said.         Kite went little up which made son happy but then, it started to come down at a rapid pace. Son by looking this was shocked that why this kite is not going

Everyone is worth learning....

            O nce upon a time in a small village, there were stories all around about the wise old man and his legendary tales who was supposed to be living at the top of a mountain.      People wanted to find this ideal but nobody dared to make that difficult journey.      But a teen, amazed by those stories decided to travel in search of this man and so his journey began.     After a month, bearing all the hardships, at last he found the house where the old man was supposed to be living.    He knocked the door and an old servant appeared and greeted him.        “I have travelled long and so I want to meet the old man and get his greetings.”        The old servant made a gentle smile, agreed and took him inside.      By every room they passed, teen looked eagerly hopping to meet the old man. They walked through the whole house and reached again at the entrance.     “I am sorry but I believe you heard me wrong, sir. I am not here to look at the house instead I want to