
Showing posts from November, 2020

Atomic Habits

              You don’t have to be the victim of your environment. You can also be the architect of it.   Hello guys and welcome.              Every year, millions of people try to build new habits. Some adopt new exercise programs, other pick up some instruments they have been meaning to learn, and still other decides to finally get serious about reading every day.        Some of these people will succeed in getting their new habit to stick, while others quickly give up and fail. But all of them learn the same lesson:     Building a new habit is hard and if you want to adopt a new habit, you better prepare yourself for an uphill battle.         Luckily, one of the things that you can always count on is that when there’s a problem, people will inevitably try to create solutions for it.      Necessity is the mother of all invention as people like to say. And our publishing industry is no exception here because, there are a lot of books aimed at helping you build better habi