Atomic Habits


           You don’t have to be the victim of your environment. You can also be the architect of it.

  Hello guys and welcome.


           Every year, millions of people try to build new habits. Some adopt new exercise programs, other pick up some instruments they have been meaning to learn, and still other decides to finally get serious about reading every day.

       Some of these people will succeed in getting their new habit to stick, while others quickly give up and fail. But all of them learn the same lesson:

    Building a new habit is hard and if you want to adopt a new habit, you better prepare yourself for an uphill battle.

        Luckily, one of the things that you can always count on is that when there’s a problem, people will inevitably try to create solutions for it.

     Necessity is the mother of all invention as people like to say. And our publishing industry is no exception here because, there are a lot of books aimed at helping you build better habits.


    But of all these books, my absolute favorite one is Atomic Habits by James Clear.

          Before discussing this epic book, first talk about the writer.

        James Clear was born in Ohio in US. Then got his education from Denison University. At the age of 33, his book Atomic Habits became the best seller. Sold over a million copies in its first year. And has been translated into more than 40 languages.

    So in this book published in 2018, James seeks to help anyone understand that building new habits is not impossible, but through certain processes, we can ensure that the things we want to do are done, and the habits we seek to break are broken.

        This is a fun book filled with many insightful stories. You will read of Olympic gold medalists, award winning artists business leaders, life saving physicians and star comedians who have all used the science of small habits to master their craft and reached to the top of their field.

     Following are 6 powerful life lessons which I have learnt.

       So, let’s begin:

  1.  In the long run, the quality of our lives often depends on the quality of our habits.

  2. Habits are the compound interests of

self- improvement.

  3.Mastery requires patience.

  4.Goals are about, the results you want to achieve systems are about the processed that lead to those results.

  5. Fix the input and the outputs will fix themselves.

  6.  Success is not a goal to reach or a finish line to cross. It is a system to improve, an endless process to refine.

                    So that’s what I have learn but seriously, more than any other book that I’ve read on habits, I found the ideas in Atomic habits to be incredibly helpful for adopting the mind set required to actually stick to habits over the long term. So,

         I would absolutely recommend reading this book for building good habits.

        Until next time, keep thinking keep growing and as always,         Dream it, Be it.

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     so come on, let's read interesting :)

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