Life and Goal


                      once upon a time, there lived a wise man who was also the mayor of his town. People came to meet him from all over the town in order for seeking guidance. They believed and respected his advice. His son however, was too lazy and spent most of his time in sleeping and with his friends. No advice was working on him and nothing was making any change in him.

          Time passed and the wise man was now becoming older. Now, he began to worry about his son’s future. He soon realized that he had to give something to his son so that he could take care of himself and his family.

              So, one day he called his son to his room and said, “Son, you are no longer a kid now. You must take responsibility. That’s why, I want you to understand life and once you know it, remember it always so that you can live a happy life.” He then handed his son a bag. When he opened the bag, he was surprised as it contained four pair of clothes for four different seasons. Small amount of money, some medicines and a map.” You have to find a treasure” father said. “I have drawn its location on the map and once you find it, take it back.” The boy loved that idea and thought that it is the best idea which his father has ever given to him. So the next day, he eagerly set out to find the treasure.


                          For this, he had to travel across borders, mountains, rivers etc. The time passed, days turned into weeks, weeks into months. During his journey, he came across a lot of people. Some of them were very kind hearted a helped him with everything they had while the others were rude and robbers. He also met with people who tried to cheat him. So, he experienced the best and the worst face of humanity.


   After a whole year, he reached his destination. It was a cliff and at the top of it, was a tree. He started digging but couldn’t find anything. He was devastated. He searched under, on ,in and above the tree for two days but couldn’t find the treasure. Now, he started to feel sorry for his journey. He thought that the map, which his father gave him was wrong or anyone else had already taken it. So, at the third day, he decided to return.

               On his way back, he again experienced the same thing but in different manner. This time he enjoyed his journey. He stopped at different places only for observing sunset, rain, animals etc. 


   Since his supplies were exhausted, so he learnt how to hunt and cook food. He also learnt to sue clothes and make shelter. He was now also able to determine the hour of the day and the position of the sun and stars so to plan his journey accordingly.


                                    He met with the same people but this time he stayed with them for some days and helped them in one way or another to repay them.

             So, when he reached home, he realized that it had been more than two years since he left his home.



                             He went straight to his father’s room and said, “Father”. His father jumped from his chair and hugged him.” So how was your journey son, did you find the treasure?”. “ The journey was fascinating father, but forgive me, I couldn’t find the treasure.” Father observed that he was not angry at him but was asking forgiveness. “There was no treasure in the first place, my son.” “So why did you send me to find it?” son asked. “I will surely tell you but first you tell me, did you enjoy the journey?”
       Of course not father. I had no time to enjoy because anyone could take the treasure before I did. But, I enjoyed the journey while returning home because I was not in a hurry, then. And, I also learnt many skills of survival. I have also made a lot of friends. I enjoyed the journey that I even forget the pain of not finding the treasure.” “Exactly my son! In life, you have to pursue your goal but if you focus on that goal too much, you will miss the real treasures of your life.

        Observe in your environment and you will find out that everyone is running towards their dreams but they are too focused on it that they generally miss the real beauty of their life. When they achieve one thing, they start running towards the other. This process continues until the last day of their life.

         In short, achieving goal is a part of life, not the purpose of life.

              Try to give your full potential and enjoy every second of it because life is only given once, so make every event worth it.



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