Your Past isn't everything......


            In 1888, there was a famous scientist and researcher who made his fortunes through discoveries.  

      One morning while reading a daily newspaper, he got astonished by having his name in the obituary section. Newspaper by mistake declared him dead while his brother was actually died two days ago.


           But to his utter surprise, he was declared as  THE MERCHANT OF DEATH’ and was criticized on the discovery of dynamite as he founded a new way of killing more humanity than in history. 

      After reading the whole article, he was cleared of two things. Firstly, this is what world might remember after his death and secondly, he didn’t want this to happen.  

    Later in life, he tried best to work for peace and left most of his wealth in a trust, that would be used to establish the awards after his name, Alfred Nobel, and that is how the Nobel Prize was created. It was an award for people who made outstanding discoveries in the fields of mankind and in the subjects which always interested Alfred Nobel. Like Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine and Peace.


      Today almost everyone knows about the Nobel Prize and have wish to get it but relatively fewer people know about the creation of this fortune. 

          As it was through the invention of dynamite. And nobody knew that a false news of Alfred’s death might totally change the direction of his life.



         You see sometimes, your dark past is responsible for the bright future ahead as if the dynamite was not have created, who knows Nobel Prize might exist today and inspires millions of people to do good.

   The other lesson which this story tells is the only thing that lefts behind is our legacy. If it’s good and in the welfare of mankind, then history makes us hero otherwise, we might be cursed for eternity by the generations to come as,

                                   HISTORY NEVER DIES”.


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