
Showing posts from December, 2020

Buddha and Perception........

                            Once upon a time while Buddha was sitting with his disciples, an old pupil of his came near to him and  respectfully  asked, “Ha Buddha, here in our town, there came a number of preachers, who are not only creating tensions among people but are also indulge in useless fighting. Some say world is Eternal and never ending. Some say that it's temporary and will end. Some say soul dies with body, other say it lives forever and so forth. So, who should I believe in?”                          Buddha after being silent for a minute replied, “once upon a time, there was a king who ordered his servant to gather in one place four men who were born blind. Servant did what he was asked for. When four bling men reached, a huge elephant was brought in front of them. Now, king ordered to show one part of Elephant to one person and so on. Now, the first blind was shown the head of elephant, the trunk to the second, legs to the third and it’s tail to the fourth. Now king

An Interesting life lesson......

           Once upon a time, there was a young man working in a factory. His mentor, a technician always advised him to work hard and upgrade his knowledge. Time spent fast and on the tenth year, the old man retired and young man became a technician himself.                One day he went to meet his mentor. By his sad expressions, the old man knew that there must be something going on with him. Upon asking, young man said, “Till now,  I  have done everything which you told me to do. I have been working in the factory for 20 years now, have got knowledge about everything in it but sadly, people who don’t have experience like me gets all the promotions and I am doing as little as I was in your time". The old man stood up from his chair and starting walking while thinking about the problem. Then he stopped and said, “you have to take off from your work because you need a break. Tomorrow give whatever excuse you want and leave this city. The young man couldn’t understand what the old

Does Soul Matters?

                       Once there was a king who had four wives. He was living a happy life but suddenly fell ill. The truth daunted that he had an incurable disease and could only live more than a weak. He sat down and started thinking about his old good times and how he had lived a happy and luxurious life.                                      Being fearful about the loneliness which was coming, he thought of requesting his wives to accompany with him. So, he went to his fourth wife which he loved the most and bestowed gifts upon gifts on her and said, “you are my favorite wife and I love your company, so will you accompany me in the grave”. She replied, “no way”, and left without uttering another word.           He also loved his third wife and showered gift and always showed her to different kingdoms, but deep in his heart, he always thought that one day she might leave. So, he went to her and asked, “I have loved you my entire life and now I am dying. So, will you accompany me and