An Interesting life lesson......


         Once upon a time, there was a young man working in a factory. His mentor, a technician always advised him to work hard and upgrade his knowledge. Time spent fast and on the tenth year, the old man retired and young man became a technician himself. 


        One day he went to meet his mentor. By his sad expressions, the old man knew that there must be something going on with him. Upon asking, young man said, “Till now, 
I have done everything which you told me to do. I have been working in the factory for 20 years now, have got knowledge about everything in it but sadly, people who don’t have experience like me gets all the promotions and I am doing as little as I was in your time". The old man stood up from his chair and starting walking while thinking about the problem. Then he stopped and said, “you have to take off from your work because you need a break. Tomorrow give whatever excuse you want and leave this city. The young man couldn’t understand what the old man was saying but did as he instructed. 


           Next day, he took leave for two weeks. After spending vacations, when he came to office, he was surprised. Everyone was giving him respect which he had never experienced in 20 years. That day, manager called and regarded him and said, “after you go, we came across unnecessary problems which generally you handle". The young man was also  promoted to Deputy Chief Manager. That day he realized that this was the solution. Then every other day, he took leave and when he came back, the situation was better.            


       But one day, he was not allowed in office and was stopped in the main gate. He went straight to the old man when the truth daunt that he was terminated from the factory. 


            Being amazed, he asked the old man, "I did what you told me to do and now look what happened. I lost my entire career only because of you". The old man softly replied, “you are the owner of your own fait”. Young man asked, “did I not do everything as you instructed”. "Actually, you did not!", the old man shook his head. 


             Upon asking for explanation, the old man replied, “you have heard half lesson. When you came here the first time, you were so excited that you didn’t gave me time to say the remaining words". "What is the remaining lesson?" young man asked with wonder. “You understood right that no one pays any attention to a light bulb which is always on. It is only when it goes off that people start to notice its importance. But, if bulb starts to give off frequently, it is usually replaced with another one which is better and more reliable. Who will like a light bulb which you cannot count on?” replied the old man.

   #Rarian is  interesting

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