Does Soul Matters?


                     Once there was a king who had four wives. He was living a happy life but suddenly fell ill. The truth daunted that he had an incurable disease and could only live more than a weak. He sat down and started thinking about his old good times and how he had lived a happy and luxurious life. 


                    Being fearful about the loneliness which was coming, he thought of requesting his wives to accompany with him. So, he went to his fourth wife which he loved the most and bestowed gifts upon gifts on her and said, “you are my favorite wife and I love your company, so will you accompany me in the grave”. She replied, “no way”, and left without uttering another word. 

         He also loved his third wife and showered gift and always showed her to different kingdoms, but deep in his heart, he always thought that one day she might leave. So, he went to her and asked, “I have loved you my entire life and now I am dying. So, will you accompany me and give me company.” She replied, “sorry, because life is too good. I will remarry after your death and live a happy life”. After being disappointed with her, he went to his second wife who was kind and considerate and always helped him in difficulties and said, “I always had a good time with you but now I am dying. Will you come with me and give me company? She replied with sorrow, “I want to, but am unable to do so. Anyway, I will arrange your funeral and do all your paper work”. 

                   Now he was very angry and fully broken as nobody really loved him but suddenly, he heard a voice, “I will come with you and accompany you wherever you go”. He looked up and saw his first wife whom he had always taken for granted and that’s why when he looked up in his eyes, she was too skinny and unnourished. His eyes filled with tears and said, “I always knew it. I wish, I would have taken good care of you but Alas! Now I couldn’t”.


          Actually, this story is not of a kind and his wives but of you, me and everyone else. We always have four wives in our life. The fourth wife is our body which we took great care of and nourished it with beautiful clothes, Jewelry etc. Our third wife is our wealth, which we like to show it to other people. Our second wife is our family, friends and the people who love us. They have a major rule in our lives but the furthest they can go is up to graveyard. After that they can’t, even if they want to. Soul is our first wife and we all possess it from the very beginning. But as it is given to us for free, we stop taking care and don’t even think to nourish it and in the end regret of doing it. 


               I am not saying for sure that don’t care about your body or stop pursuing material things. Do it! It’s your duty to take care of the people you love and make your body healthy as well as enjoy the wealth you have but don’t take your soul for granted. Give it as much attention as you give to others because in the end, soul will be the only thing you possess.

                    As the saying goes, “soul is your first possession in life and your only possession afterlife.”


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