Blog written only for you...

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right.”

              Asssalam o Alaikum,               and i hope you all be in good health and living in your highest...

      So today we will talk about the word which you have heard several times before.This word is not other than MOTIVATION. Whenever it comes to successful life, when someone talks about failure, we always hear this word.   Hence before starting we should first ponder upon that what this word actually means.
      So according to Oxford, "reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way".
       If we observe its upper meaning we will find out that motivation is not only in the positive way like success, or happiness but people also get motivation in the darker aspects too. So how is it that we only use motivation when we talk about positive things. Actually,  the root of the word motivation is the word motive, which is similarly defined as the reason for a particular action
    Hence in brief, i will only say that for having everlasting motivation irrespective of where you need it, you should know that why are you doing this?    What is your purpose behind this? do you have that much guts to sacrifice all your likes and dislikes for achieving your goal.
                Ask these questions from yourself and if the daemon inside you replies in a positive way, no body in the entire universe can stop you for achieving your goal.
          It will result, as when a hard time comes, instead of saying WHY ME, you will definitely say, TRY ME.......


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