Proven way of controlling PHONE ADDICTION.......

            How to control PHONE ADDICTION



 Almost 11 teens die everyday on average only because of using mobile while driving. Many laws have been made against this disastrous addiction but to no avail. Mobiles are now becoming inevitable for us. Irrespective of all the advantages, phones are now hampering our professional lives and running our personal relations. It was made for empowering us but now is dominating both in our physical and mental lives. After the revolution in mobile technology in 20th century, this addiction had now become a Global problem. Every person, irrespective of color and creed is somehow connected to this issue and cannot find a way of coming out.

               A latest research has proved that the average depression rate of the world is continuously increasing, especially in Europe. People have money, health, fame but they are still depressed. Many experts say that major cause of depression is somehow connected with the abnormal use of mobile phones and social media.

     In addition, it also showed that a lot of new diseases have been found since the emergence of smart phones on Global scale.

  • ·           Ways to treat this issue

               Now the very question arises that how can we overcome this issue?

                                               People say that if you want to treat this addiction, stop using smartphones and return to the old conventional way like computer, T.V etc., which is totally wrong. Phones have caused a lot of troubles but still we cannot deny the fact that phones have brought revolution in peace and progress of the world. It was made to empower men and had perfectly done its hob. Eating food is essential for man but rating a lot of food will be unhealthy. Similarly, a controlled use of mobile phones shall prove to be productive.

        It has been rightly said that,” Excess of everything is bad”. So, let’s ponder upon this issue and take a meaningful and productive answer.

·         Following are some proven ways to control your phone addiction:

  1.                       Self -Help: 

                     Your best friend and your worst enemy is you. Hence, if you really want to control this addiction, you must first give yourself some empowering reasons.

  1.  Humans are seen to do things with their full potential if they gave some genuine reasons. So, it must be no other than you who believe in the dangerous consequences of abnormal mobile use and really wants to treat it.

               You can give reasons like, for being productive, to reduce time waste, to have good family relations and friends, to get noble position in society, to become healthy etc.

       2.             Set time for usage:

                 You can also achieve this goal by setting time for mobile usage. That will help you a lot in mobile usage control. At first, it will be difficult but it will definitely show you good results.

                        You can do this by:

·         Using apps to calculate time you spend on mobile each day.

·         Set up some mobile free days etc.

3.           3.           Engaging in other activities:


                   I have seen a lot of people who decides to control mobile use but again go back to their old habit because they have nothing to do. Hence, at first you must engage yourself in different stuff so that your mind thinks little about mobile.

                    If you use mobile before bed, you have a choice of reading a book. If you are, at a lunch break, you can sit with your friends instead of killing time on phone or you can call your loved once etc.

4.         4.      Turn off notification or switch off:


    It becomes difficult not to use mobile after you hear notification or call. So, for overcoming this problem, turn off your notification. You can also unsubscribe or un follow those channels which are only time waste, if this technique doesn’t work, switch off your mobile for several hours. This will help you focus on one topic.

5.     5.                Don’t do everything in one device:

              Now, getting a mobile phone is same as getting access to infinite streams of information as well as unlimited tools.

              For example, after smart phones, people don’t need a watch, calendar, personal diary, bank checks, maps etc. This is helpful but over use may result in time waste.

                    You have observed that sometimes, you open your mobile for something say setting alarm and then gets distracted by other apps and only recognize this after killing a lot of your precious time. Hence, it is said to not use your mobile for everything instead use it for specific things.

     You can do this by using alarm clock instead of phone, read hard copy instead of soft copy in your mobile. This will definitely reduce your distraction towards mobile phone.


 6.          Keep it away from bedroom:


 It will be very difficult to control your obsession with phone if you keep it on side table or on your bed even if you are using it for alarm. But, still if you want to take your phone in the bed room, then assign a special dock for your phone instead of putting it on side table.

                            This will help you in two ways, Firstly, it reduce chances of mobile use and secondly, for turning off alarm, you have to come out of bed so it will be unlikely to again go to sleep.

  7.       Ignore attractive apps:

                   First, observe that, from which app you get most distracted and then uninstall or set timing for these apps. This will help you a lot. These apps are mostly of games or chatting or apps just for entertainment.

   8.      Help from loved ones:

                Ask your family members to help you in this. They can do this by setting a password on your mobile, by locking your mobile with in some specific time or by simply reminding you about your mobile use.

  9.         The first and last 60 min:

                    Experts have shown that the first 60 minutes after waking up and the last 60 minutes before going to bed play an important role in your life.

                  So, don’t use phone right before and after waking up, instead use this time in other productive activities like, meditation, reading, jogging etc.

   10.      Professional help:

                       After using these strategies, if you still think that you have mobile addiction, then you can get help from experts and professionalists for treating this hampering habit or to provide you with some worthy information.

  • ·       Conclusion:


                   In brief, mobile phone addiction was never and will never be easy to resist but it is an old saying that, “IF YOU BELIEVE IT, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT. IF YOU DREAM IT, YOU CAN BE IT’’. So, first you have to be real and try to live an original life. Second, you must not use your phone for entertainment but only for specific reasons.

          By doing this, I hope you shall get your desired results and be happy in your life.

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