What if you fail????


        Once upon a time, there were two frogs who also were best friends. One of them was fat while other was skinny but they loved each other like brothers. Both of them liked adventures and looking for trouble. All the things were going well until one day, while hopping along the country side, they saw an old farmer who had a strange bucket in his hand. Curious as they two were, went after the farmer to see what was inside that bucket.

                        Farmer put that bucket on a table. Because the bucket was too big, they wouldn’t see anything. When they jumped in it, the bucket was full of milk. But due to this, the inner part of bucket became too slippery that they couldn’t jump out. They paddled and paddled and paddled but to no avail. 


Then the night came but still they were stuck. Now the thin frog started to loose his hope and said to his friend,” man we are now in a big trouble and there is no way out. I think we should now stop peddling and lets have a peaceful death because we are going to die anyway.” The fat frog was horrified by the situation but he didn’t lose hope and told his friend to keep going, there must be someway out.

               At midnight, the thin frog said to his fat friend frog,” brother frog! there’s no use of paddling any longer. We are just going to be grounded, we will die, it is inevitable, so we might give up, there is no point because no one will come and save us nor will we turn into butterflies and fly away, we are doomed” but the fat friend again said to keep going. So they again continued to paddling for hours. After some hours the skinny frog lost all his hope and said,” I can’t go on any longer, there is no sense in doing it. I love you Bro and I always will, Goodbye”. And he stop paddling. He gave up and drowned in the milk and died. 


   The fat frog was devastated as he lost his best friend and was now all alone in that dark night, stuck in a bucket filled with milk and a slightest mistake would take his life too. He couldn’t kept his tears and started crying but soon, motivated than ever, he started paddling faster than ever. At almost dawn, he noticed that he had converted the milk into butter because he was paddling for so long. So, he jumped out with a mixed feeling of sorrow and happiness.


                       Years later, he married with lady frog and had many sons. He named all of them after his  thin frog friend to keep his memory alive and because he missed him so dearly. He told his sons, the story of his best friend who lost his hope and failed so that they don’t repeat the mistake.

                    See if you don’t give up, you can’t fail. Remember failure doesn’t come after trying but comes when you stop trying.

Don’t worry about failure, worry about the chances of success you missed by not trying.  In the end remember that,"DRIPPING WATER HOLLOWS OUT STONE,NOT THROUGH FORCE BUT THROUGH PERSISTENCE."

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