And then comes America...


                           American in WW2

        BRITISH BRAINS, AMERICAN BROWN AND RUSSIAN BLOOD WON THE WAR.                                                                               (JOSEPH STALIN)


                                The beginning of WW1 was simpler than the beginning of WW2. September 1939 was the beginning of the war between only three major European powers    (Britain, France and Germany). They were followed in June 1940 by Italy, in June 1941 by Russia and in December 1941 by Japan and U.S- though the whole conflict had begun in June 1937 between China and Japan.

           The American entry inWW2 is complex. After  many months of arguments and only when Japanese fleet launched a big surprise air raid against its Pacific naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on 7 December, 1941.                

·        Why didn’t America want to get involved

                                      The outbreak of full scale conflict between Japan and China in July 1937 had to do little with USA. Also, Germany’s pre-war actions in the 1930s, sending troops in the Rhineland in 1936, forced unification with Austria etc. Even Hitler’s invasion of Poland in September 1939, and the declaration of war by Britain and France seemed to have little relevance to the U.S.

                    Yet President Franklin opposed the aggression by Japan, Italy and Germany. However, both the congress and House of Representatives continued to oppose war.

·        What changed American mind?

                   The situation changed drastically in May and June 1940. Many Americans had expected the Allies to gain upper hand but instead, Hitler’s armed forces unexpectedly won quick victories, knocking France out of the war. Mussolini’s Italy opened a new front against Britain in the Mediterranean. Now, it was obvious that if help was not given, America might have to deal on its own with a German dominated Europe.

               Also, in 1940, Germany, Italy and Japan signed the tripartite pact. This pact was to insure that if America declared war on any one of them, it would be considered to declare war on all of them.

          After that, secret staff talks were arranged at Washington in 1941 between British and American military leaders. And then from September, the President ordered that the U.S Navy began escorting British convoys.


    In July 1941, the Japanese moved military forces into Southern Indochina and in response, U.S froze Japanese assets ad along with the British and Dutch, cut off oil exports to Japan.

            Some historians have seen this hard line as an attempt to provoke an attack which would allow America a back door entry into the war with Germany and Italy. Moreover, it is also said that Washington underestimated Japanese determination and military capabilities which proved to be deadly for them at the very start of war.

    Negotiation in Washington with Japanese diplomats continued, but in the end, civilian and military leaders in Tokyo decided to seize direct control of British and Dutch resources in Southeast Asia, especially the oil, only in this way, Japan’s position would be stabilized.

         But, later on Japan observed this their actions would provoke an American entry into the war otherwise so they decided to mount pre-emptive             (attack before the other could) attacks, against both the Philippines and the American fleet at Pearl Harbor.

      The Pearl Harbor raid was very successful for Japan in a military sense. As  a lot of people were killed, quarter of ships were destroyed and the port was completely demolished. Politically it was idiotic. This attack was without the declaration of war, in the middle of negotiation in a Sunday morning, on U.S territory with heavy American losses.

and then comes AMERICA IN WW2 to change the history of comming future.

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