Make it or Break it....................


                  Make it or Break it


                                This is a story of a small town girl who loved writing as a hobby. One day she wrote a fantasy story on a rabbit and narrated this to her mother. Her mother praised her and encouraged her to write more.

          In school, she was not very social and in her free time, instead of spending it with friends, she would write her fantasy thoughts in her scrubby little notebook.


 At 15, she lost her grandmother with whom she was very close. But, misfortune never comes alone. Soon, her parent’s relation became soured and due to this her mother got a brain disease.  Her situation got worse, day after day.

                This was the biggest shock for the little girl. Her mother soon died and she was left all alone. Life went on and one day in a newspaper, she read a job advertisement in Portugal as a school teacher.

                        As, she needed job and wanted to start a new life, she went to Portugal and became a school teacher.

              One day, she met with a T.V Journalist in a bar. Soon she found out that they both shared an interest in English Novelist, Jane Austen. They both liked each other’s company and after one year, were happily married. Then after a year, they were blessed with a beautiful girl.


                    But, story didn’t end here and her life again took a dark turn. After sometime, she became a victim of domestic abuse.  And one day her husband drove her out of the house. She left the country with her little daughter and started living in Britain near her younger sister, Di.


                                            This was a very dark period because she was unemployed and was living on state benefits as a single mother. She was so poor that her friends paid the rent of her house and most of the time, she left her food so that her child could eat more. She got so depressed that even tried to take her own life, but her daughter gave her courage.

         In that darkest period of her life where there was no hope, no beacon of life, no person to talk with and to share thoughts, she decided to test her last ability or it was the last twig of her hope. And that was writing which she always wanted. So, one day while traveling from Manchester to London King’s Cross, in a state of deep misery, all of a sudden, a revolutionary idea stuck to her mind, “Harry Potter”. Then she started to write a fantasy story on the life of a boy named Harry Potter.


                   When she set on a desk to write, she would forget all her difficulties so she wrote and wrote. Many times, she went to the café to work on her book while her child had a nap. Although she couldn’t afford the meal in café, she ordered a single cup of coffee so the manager wouldn’t kick her out. Somehow she finished her first three chapters and sent her to a publisher. But, soon they sent her a pass. Then, she sent her to another publisher but still got ‘no’. She was rejected from 12 different publishers. Now, her mailbox was filled with ‘rejected’. She started to lose hope  and thought of herself as a failure. But, one day, a publisher of a small company set down to read her story. But, this time fortunately he had an eight year old daughter with him. His daughter read and got curious about the remaining story so, the publisher accepted her book but advised her that from her writings, she couldn’t earn much money so just searched a job for her expanses.


             In June 1997, at the age of 31, her first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was publisher with an initial print run of 1000 copies.

         After the public tasted this story, the demand raised dramatically and soon J.K. Roling, went from being an unemployed, depressed single mother living on state benefits to one of the best selling authors of all times.

           Her first book, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone” is one of the best-selling books ever written. Her books have been sold for more than 450 million copies worldwide.

         Also, J.K. Roling is the first person ever to become a billionaire by writing books.

                    Despite all of her wealth and fame, she never forgot the hardship and pain which she experienced her entire life. She donated so much that she lost her billionaire status in 2011.



  There are many lessons for us in this beautiful story. But, the most important is,  in life there comes ease after hardship. So just hold on, and don’t be depressed. In simple words,


             Water doesn’t boil as soon as we place it on stove but takes time. So if person wants to boil water urgently, he can’t do it. Similarly, in life, in your life, life sometime takes time before giving you something worthy so that you have worth of it.

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