THE ONE ARMED CHAMPION


                                         An energetic young man, despite of losing his left arm in an accident, joined to learn Judo from an old but experienced Judo Master. Master taught him an exciting trick in the first week and was told to practice this technique again and again. The Boy could see his other class mates learning other Judo tricks but Master asked him to practice the same move . He couldn’t understand why he was told to do so for more than three months.

                   So he asked the master,” shouldn’t I be learning more moves”. Master replied,” just focus on this one because this is the only move you will learn but this is the only move you will ever need to learn.” Boy couldn’t understand but he did what his master asked for and practiced only one move.             

                               Several months later, Master took him in a tournament and registered as a candidate. The boy got confused and was terrified to enter the tournament filled with other well trained and physically fit candidates worldwide. Audience was surprised when he won his first match. He too couldn’t believe in himself. He won the second, third and fourth round eaily with only first blow and went to the final with a powerful player. 

                        At first, the player almost dominated himself in the ring and the boy started to be overmatched. The match got harder and harder. But parties were trying their best to win. At one stage, fearing that the boy with one hand might get hurt, referee called for a timeout. He was about to end the match but Master intervene and told him not to stop. The match continued and after several minutes his opponent made a mistake and lost his guard. Boy immediately took that opportunity and pinned him down on the ground.

                         The whole audience, in a state of emotion and joy cheered up. The boy had won the  tournament by only one hand. Next day, he went to the coach and surprised by his own victory, he asked the master that how he was able to win the tournament with only one move.

        “You won because of two reasons,” Master replied. “Firstly, this move was one of the hardest in Judo which you almost mastered and secondly, the only known defense for this trick is to grab your left arm”.

             Hence, with Master’s wit and boy’s dedicated hard work, his biggest weakness was converted into his biggest strength.

                   See, in life we generally focus on our weakness. We only see our half-empty glass without thinking that it is half-full too. We only focus on the blackdot in a white page without seeing that it has millions of white dots.

      So, the real ingredient of being happy in life is to see inside your own box and thank God for giving it to you because there are many people who are praying for the things, which you don’t even ponder upon.

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