Why America entered WW1..........


                WW1 and the Entry of America



                                  WW1 played an important role in the rise of not only American Economy but also its international reputation. However in this war, somehow America was forced to enter.

   When WW1 broke out in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed that U.S would remain neutral in this war. It was because, people of America thought that the war was between the old world powers and they had nothing to do with them. However, still President Wilson condemned the brutal actions of Germany, but still congress denied war. 


  Soon their feelings about the war started to change when a German U-boat sank a British ship ‘Lusitania’ in 1915. 2000 people perished including 128 Americans. But, fearing U.S involvement in the war, German U-boats started to neglect U.S ships.

                  In 1917, British intelligence decoded a message sent by German Military Commander to the German Ambassador in Mexico. In this latter, Germany invited Mexico to enter in war against America. And, in return, Germany would help them regain its territory of New Mexico, Texas and Arizona from USA.


This was the last nail in the coffin. On April 2, 1917, President Wilson made a speech and requested congress to declare war on Germany. He said that U.S involvement in the war is for the ultimate peace in the world.

     So, on April 6, 1917, America officially declared war on Germany.


                                               At first, America had only 1,33,000 soldiers but it instantly started to build up its military and at the end of war, there were 2 million soldiers fighting in France.

               U.S involvement in WW1 was a tide changer because both sides were exhausted and were running short of soldiers, ammunition and supplies. However, amazingly U.S didn’t fight with Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria throughout the war but it made a lot of destruction in the German and Austria- Hungary’s economy.


        Also, President Wilson proposed his 14 points for the explanation of U.S involvement in the war and also for the peace. At the end of war, Wilson pushed for his fourteen points to be followed by the rest of the Europe and the Allies and these 14 points were then became the basis of the League of Nations.


                               Also Wilson wanted the whole Europe to recover quickly including Germany but France and Britain disagreed and placed harsh choices for Germany in the Treaty of Versailles. Some of the points were so harsh for Germans that they thought of taking revenge in the form of WW2.


 Note:     in WW1, U.S didn’t become an official member of the Allies, and called itself an “associated power.

        U.S navy played a major role in helping to blockade Germany, keeping out supplies and hurting German economy.

         Nickname of U.S soldiers during the war was “ DOUGHBOY”.

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