
Showing posts from September, 2020

Honesty is the best Policy....

                    Honesty is the best Policy     Once a country was ruled by a wise king. After becoming old, he realized that he might stepdown but unfortunately neither sons nor his wazirs were eligible for this post. So, he decided to try a new thing this time.                                 He gathered all the young people in his kingdom and said, “ it is time for me to stepdown. I have decided to choose my successor from one of you.” The people were shocked but the king continued , “I am giving a seed to all of you. Plant and water that seed and come back after one year. Then I will see the trees you have grown through that one seed, and the person who I would choose, might be my successor .”            People couldn’t believe what they have just heard but they all got ready as it was a very easy task. King gave everyone a seed.                       Among the people, there was a young poor boy named John. He also received a seed. He went straight to his home and told his

The Poor King

                  Once upon a time, a country was run by a wise king who had no son. When the king became old, he worried about his successor. Then one day, while walking in his garden, he got an excellent idea. His messenger spread news in the whole kingdom that on a specific day, the king would personally meet with young man and the result of this meeting might be to become his successor.        People very happy that their king was giving equal chances of success to their people. But of course, there was an eligibility criterion and that was, king would make his decision on behalf of person’s behavior towards the poor.  Everyone in the country started to prepare for this.                    A poor young man living far  away from the palace in a rural area also heard the news. He was a kind man but due to various circumstances couldn’t earn much. He didn’t even have a proper suit for wearing in front of the king so he started to work even harder to earn money. At last, after doing a


                   WHAT IS BELIEVE IN GOD?                                                  Once upon a time Buddha was sitting with his disciples under a tree when a religious man who had wrote several books on the existence of God came and silently sat with them. When Buddha stopped talking and asked his pupils if they had any question, this man raised his hand. He asked Buddha, “you are the wisest man here. Tell me the truth that is there really a God?”   Buddha saw deep in his eyes, and after remaining silent for several minutes, he replied, “No my Son, there is no God!”.                                  This news spread like fire in the whole town and people praised Buddha that after all those years, he at last  revealed   the truth that God doesn’t exist. Now they could live freely without any fear of hell and the day of Judgement. People then stopped talking and thinking about Religion and God.                After several months, an atheist came to the town who was a good


                                          The Perspective                               Assalam o Alaikum and welcome.                                 This is Muhammad Ibrahim and today I will tell you how to have an ultimate peace of mind by telling you an exciting story.                                           So, once upon a time there was an old lady who cried all the time. It was because her elder daughter was a wife of an umbrella merchant while the husband of her younger daughter was a noodle vendor. On a Sunny day, the old lady worried about her elder daughter as no body bought an umbrella on that day. But, on a rainy day, she thought that, “Oh No! Rain would affect the business of my younger son in law as he might not be able to dry his noodles”.                                                          Her neighbors got so frustrated about her behavior that they laughingly started to call her, “the crying lady”. She too hated this behavior and wanted to be relieved fro

Education, the major problem of Pakistan

  Education , the major problem of     Pakistan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      “ critical analysis”                                                                        This essay will deal with some of the major causes of Educational Quagmire in Pakistan. 1.     Three educational system 2.     Gender discrimination 3.     Untrained teachers 4.     Poverty 5.     Low percentage of GDP in Education 6.     Lack of policy implementation 7.     Directionless education 8.     Lack of research 9.     Defective examination system 10.                        Political interference 11.                        Corruption                              A lot of people generally argue that wh