Honesty is the best Policy....


                 Honesty is the best Policy



Once a country was ruled by a wise king. After becoming old, he realized that he might stepdown but unfortunately neither sons nor his wazirs were eligible for this post. So, he decided to try a new thing this time. 


           He gathered all the young people in his kingdom and said, “it is time for me to stepdown. I have decided to choose my successor from one of you.” The people were shocked but the king continued, “I am giving a seed to all of you. Plant and water that seed and come back after one year. Then I will see the trees you have grown through that one seed, and the person who I would choose, might be my successor.” 

          People couldn’t believe what they have just heard but they all got ready as it was a very easy task. King gave everyone a seed. 


       Among the people, there was a young poor boy named John. He also received a seed. He went straight to his home and told his mother about the whole story. His mother helped him bring a pot and bow that seed. The time went on and he regularly watered that seed. But soon he realized that the plant was not growing. Days changed into weeks, weeks into months but to no avail. He listened from other people about the many plants they had grown from that seeds. He now started to think that he had destroyed that seed and he was a failure for sure. After a year, the day came when king invited them again. John didn’t want to go with that empty pot but his mother insisted him not to leave the chance. He followed his mother advice and went straight to the palace. 


     On his arrival, people laughed at him and started to call him, “John the failure.” He couldn’t reply them as he was seeing their beautiful plants and trees, they have grown from that single seed. He placed his empty pot on the floor and went at the back of the room to hide from the king. When king arrived, he surveyed the room and greeted young people. “My, what great plants, trees and flowers you have grown”, said the king. “Today, one of you might be my successor.” All of a sudden, king spotted John’s empty pot and asked, “who is the owner of that pot?” John got frightened as he might be the foolish guy in the whole Palace. He thought the king shall ordered the guards to kill me as I couldn’t even plant a tree properly. But slowly and terrified, he went to the front. 



       King asked his name. he replied, “My name……is …….John…. sir.” “Very well John then, our next king would be John”, king replied. People started to laugh at him. King then ordered to quite down. King looked at John and said, “
Behold your new King!!!!!  His name is John.” John couldn’t believe it as he couldn’t even grow a single plant so how could he be the next king? People also got confused. The King then said, “one year ago, I gave all of you a seed. I asked you to water the seed, grow a plant from it and bring it back. All of you, except John brought back the wrong seed. It was because I gave all of you boiled seeds which would not grow. When you found that the seeds would not grow, you substituted it with another one. John was the one who had the courage to bring me back an empty pot with the original seed. Therefore, he is the one who should be the next King.”




         If you plant Honesty, you will reap trust.

         If you plant Faith, you will reap Miracles.

         If you plant patience, you will reap Improvements

         If you plant Harmony, you will reap Friends

         If you plant Hard work, you will reap success.



          If you plant dishonesty, you will reap distrust

          If you plant disbelief, you will reap disaster

          If you plant impatience, you will reap deterioration

          If you plant selfishness, you will reap loneliness

          If you plant bitterness, you will reap isolation

         If you plant greed, you will reap loss

         If you plant worries, you will reap wrinkles

         If you plant sin, you will reap Gilt.

   Rarian is interesting

     so come on, lets read interesting :)

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