The Poor King


                Once upon a time, a country was run by a wise king who had no son. When the king became old, he worried about his successor. Then one day, while walking in his garden, he got an excellent idea. His messenger spread news in the whole kingdom that on a specific day, the king would personally meet with young man and the result of this meeting might be to become his successor.

       People very happy that their king was giving equal chances of success to their people. But of course, there was an eligibility criterion and that was, king would make his decision on behalf of person’s behavior towards the poor. Everyone in the country started to prepare for this.


         A poor young man living far  away from the palace in a rural area also heard the news. He was a kind man but due to various circumstances couldn’t earn much. He didn’t even have a proper suit for wearing in front of the king so he started to work even harder to earn money. At last, after doing a part time job, he got enough pay for traveling to the palace and also to buy proper clothes. Then he started his journey. 


After a week, he reached near the palace and now he could see the big fences. 

               Suddenly, he heard a voice, “for God’s sake! help me. I am hungry for two days”. The man stopped. He looked back and saw an old man sitting under a tree, with dirty and shredded clothes. The man was moved by his condition so much that he gave all his money to that poor man which he should use for his return. He also gave his new suit to that poor man. 


      The poor man stood up. Gave him his blessings and went away. Now he had no money, nor a single penny in his pocket but he still went to meet the king. On his turn, guards took him inside the palace. When he raised his head, he was surprised, the king was that same poor man. King smiled and said, “you must be wondering, why I was sitting like a bagger.” The man after gaining some strength replied, “yes sir.” King said, “I told the people that I will judge on behalf of person’s behavior towards poor. But unfortunately, no body took that seriously and prepared only on their outside. I have been sitting there for the last one week. I asked everybody who came to meet me but nobody bothered to entertain. You were the first person who even being poor, helped his brother.


       I need a person like you. If I tested you as a king, you would have done anything for convincing me but in that case, I might never know what is inside your heart. The generosity and love to the one in need without expecting anything in return is a sign of a great heart.

          You have proven that you are the right person to be my successor” promised the king.

          Theodore Isaac Robin has rightly said, “kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.”



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