Education, the major problem of Pakistan


Education, the major problem of    Pakistan                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

                                                                                           critical analysis”



                       This essay will deal with some of the major causes of Educational Quagmire in Pakistan.

1.    Three educational system

2.    Gender discrimination

3.    Untrained teachers

4.    Poverty

5.    Low percentage of GDP in Education

6.    Lack of policy implementation

7.    Directionless education

8.    Lack of research

9.    Defective examination system

10.                       Political interference

11.                       Corruption


                           A lot of people generally argue that why developed countries spend much of their GDP on Education. The answer is simple. They have a firm believe that education is simply an investment to achieve both human and economic development.

                    In short, they want to upgrade their social, moral, spiritual, political and economic way of life which only education can provide.

                   Pakistan after its independence has moved through many changes both internal and external. Every government promised the citizens that new reforms would come which might boost the countries economy but to no avail. Instead, Pakistan now has to pay 42 trillion US dollars to the IMF, and the loan is increasing day after day.

                   Many political philosophers believe that there are three main reasons of Pakistans low progress: education, poverty, and corruption. They say that all of the other problems are their byproducts.

                 Hence, this Essay shall ponder upon the causes of educational Quagmire in Pakistan.

1.    Lack of Uniformity:

                           Pakistan’s educational system has a lot of ways of teaching. But, major three of them are public school, private school and Madrasa. This lack of uniformity has divided the nation into three segments and all of them have somehow entirely different school of thoughts. This greatly reduces the educational standards.


Gender discrimination:

                Pakistan is one of those countries which has worst gender discrimination rate. Female literacy rate in Pakistan is only 45% whereas male literacy rate is 69%. That means, more than half of Pakistani female don’t know how to read and write. This is a fuel to fire in low education because only an educated mother can give an educated society. India has literacy rate more than 75%.

3.     Untrained teachers:

                         Teachers are the backbone of strong youth, but it is a tragedy that in Pakistan, when a person couldn’t do anything, he/she becomes a teacher. Also, they have little to do with their training. Hence, they stick with the old traditional way of teaching which could not progress the educational career of student.



                     In some recent years, poverty has somehow decreased but not enough to change nation’s living standards. Still 29.5% people are living under poverty line. They are almost 55 million people and most of them are in Rural areas. Hence, if a person has no food to eat and no place to live, he shall never think about the education for him and his family. That’s why, child labor has much increased in previous years.


Low education in GDP:

                 We all know that finance is a driving force for any system. According to ICG international crisis group, Pakistan is among the 12 countries which spend less than 2% of its GDP in education. This results in another problem which is:

6.     lack of resources:

                      Due to no funds, there are little libraries, scholarships, latest technology and even funds for upgrading educational institutes. On the other hand, private schools are so much costly that a poor cannot even think of admitting his children in them. Hence, this is one of the major causes of educational Quagmire.

7.    No policy implementation:

                  This is a big question mark for the people who say that Pakistan has strong judicial system. There have been 25 different educational policies passed in the last 50 years but none of them was fully implemented. It is because of the political unrest or due to defective judicial system.



8.    Directionless education:

               Pakistan’s educational system is baseless. There is no proper guideline for students nor does it increase thinking, reasoning and creativity of aspirants. The whole scenario is on ratta system. However, if you switch to Oxford, the fee is too high. The main reason of this directionless education is because of the LACK OF RESEARCH. The whole curriculum is outdated and it is pretty amusing that son studies the same book with same chapters which his father had studied 40 years ago. This causes our youth to lack behind with the students of developed countries.



Defective examination system:

           Students pass the exam only on the basis of their memory. And it has little to do with their creativity and imagination. Hence, this reduces their talent and they slowly become the victim of depression and low self-esteem.

                       Also, there was a report which showed that information in textbooks are not trustworthy and there are lot of confusions in them.

10.                         Political interference:

                          In college, politics starts to role down and students instead of focusing on their future, they started to support different parties which not only destroys their Academic career but also affects the overall learning environment of educational institutes.  



                It is the biggest reason of the national turmoil. Corruption has rotten the core of nation’s infrastructure and thus it has much affected our Education. From the very beginning, Pakistan has been spending only 2% of its GDP on Education but even this little amount, cannot go straight without corruption being involved.

              There are many cases in some rural areas where not a single teacher comes in school but still enjoy full pay. Hence those students who wanted to study, faces much difficulty in doing so.

                               Also, according to the report of Transparency International, Pakistan is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.



                  In short, we cannot deny the fact that Education is a nourishing force. It is a road to progress for political and social status of nation but unfortunately, due to several loopholes in the overall system of the nation, today’s youth is directionless.                              In short if the situation remains the same , the time is not far when a civil war broke out and increases the unrest in the country.




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