The Alchemist, book review


                 There is only one thing, that makes a dream impossible to achieve, the fear of failure.

       Hello guys and welcome.


        I sometimes wonder, what are the treasures that life holds for us? Is there a fixed path predetermined for everyone? Do we really know what we are destined to do? What is the greater plan that we’re supposed to partake in? Do we have a choice? The life we are living, was it meant to be the way it is? Do we know what our heart desires? And if we do, are we brave enough to pursue it? 

    If you also wonder about these things, then you are in a right place, stay tune!

             In my opinion if you are mature enough spiritually then the novel, ‘The Alchemist’ written by Paulo Coelho is for you.

     But before reviewing, first talk about the writer.


        So, Paulo Coelho was born on Aug. 24, 1947 in Brazil. Before dedicating his life completely to literature, he worked as theatre director, actor, lyricist, and Journalist.

                  In 1986, Paulo Coelho did the Pilgrimage to Saint James and later on wrote a book, “The Pilgrimage” which was also a best seller but to be honest, I don’t know about this book because I have never read it up to now but it must be interesting. After almost a year in 1987, he wrote ‘The Alchemist’ within two weeks, which later on became his symbol internationally.

            You may not believe that this book had 51 million copies and has been on the best seller list for more than 315 weeks.

          Also, The Alchemist has been translated into more than 57 languages including Urdu.

     I hope now you have a slight background of this book so let’s talk about what this novel is actually about?


    First you should know that this novel is not a self-help kind of book which gives you researches and some practical lessons, nor is a magical story like Harry Potter type. Instead, it is a story written while keeping in mind the universal truth or philosophy of life.

         Ok, so the story is of Santiago, the lonely shepherd from the little town near the ruined castle in Span. Then he had recurring dreams of hidden treasure near Pyramids in Egypt. He then decided to travel to Egypt. In his way, he met with a lot of people having different professions and lifestyle but all of them somehow helped him to pursue his dream of finding treasure. When you first encounter with a new character, you haven no idea, how he or she will help the boy to pursue his dreams. And, that’s the very beauty of this novel, twist and suspense.

    I won’t ruin the story by telling you the end, but here, I will tell the 4 powerful life lessons which I learned from this story.  


1.  No matter what you do, make sure it’s what your heart tells, not the people:

            I always say one thing, that you will never be able to escape from your heart so, its better to listen to what it has to say. I am not saying for sure that don’t listen to your elders or society. Listen to them but, never influence them on yourself.

        If you aren’t doing what you want or not following your dreams then you are not fulfilling your personal legend and as always, “if you dream it, you can be it.”




2.     You will fail, don’t give up in the process:


     While pursuing success, you will fail. Failure is the part of the process like the infidel who falls a lot of time before walking. When the child falls, you can’t say, he fails because in the end of the day, he’s walking.

           Hence, the secret of life though is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.


3.     Maktub:


            It is an Arabic word meaning it is written. So, the thing which I learnt is, don’t let fear of failure to get in the way of your pursuit of happiness because everything is already written.

                 Hence, what is meant to be, will be. Let me quote a line from AL Chemist, “No, matter what he does, every person on Earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And, normally he doesn’t know it”.


4.    Take off your rose-colored Glasses:

               Many times, we see things, how we want them to be, not as how they really are. Sometimes we need to step back and try to look at things in an unbiased way, instead of spending our entire life arguing on 6 and 9.

        So, that’s what I have learnt from this novel and I well definitely recommend you too to read it and find your Personal Legend.

      Until next time, keep thinking keep growing and as always, Dream it, be it.


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     so come on, let's read interesting :)

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