
Showing posts from May, 2021

'Be like the Coffee Beans.......'

               Once upon a time in a cold sunny day, father and his little son were sitting in a garden. Father in those days was too busy providing their family with money that he couldn’t talk to his son for weeks because of long hour shifts.     So, father while cleaning his glasses asked the boy how everything was going in his life.      “ Everything’s so boring ”, boy gave a dry answer and then proceeded to list a cascade of bad things that had happened to him at school and outside. “ It’s just one problem after the other ”, boy blurted out. Life is so unfair was his bitter conclusion.              Father who worked as a chef in a big Italian restaurant invited the boy to meet him at the restaurant which was not far from his school. “ Come to me after school tomorrow before going home. I have something to show you. But, lets enjoy the beautiful afternoon for today ”, father told the boy.      Next day, after school, boy went straight to the restaurant and got excited after

Don't focus too much on STUMBLING BLOCK.....

             Once a teacher came to his class and ordered everyone to prepare for a surprise test.  Every student took their pens out and they were given the text facing down, as usual. Once he handed them all out, teacher asked them to turn over the papers.                   With utter surprise, students found nothing on the paper except a small dot at the center. First, they thought there was a mistake but amazingly, everyone had the same test with dark black dot.               After observing student’s agitation, teacher explained that they had to write whatever they found on the page. “ But there is nothing in it ”, asked a student. “ What you see is totally up to you ”, teacher gave a confusing answer and the students started on the inexplicable task.     After about an hour, teacher ordered to stop writing and collected the tests. After collecting, he started to read them one by one out loud.          All of them, without any exception explained the dot, its color and positi


              O nce there was a small country, prosperous but surrounded by mighty empires who always fought with each other. But never had those huge nations declared war in this country. People were happy and always gave credit to their king and his sharp diplomatic approach.                                  But king on the other hand knew that without his trusted advisor, he couldn’t have handled the nation properly. King always had his advisor near him and seek wisdom from him but his one thing always saddened and upset the king when he would say, “ Whatever life brings to you is because God wants something better from you”.                            And so, one day king asked from his one of the serving girls to cut his nails and massage his hands. While girl was doing as she was asked, storm and loud sound made her frightened and jolted her out of the chair. In doing so, she cut the whole nail out of king’s fingertip. Blinded by rage he shouted, “ to the dungeon with this i