Once there was a small country, prosperous but surrounded by mighty empires who always fought with each other. But never had those huge nations declared war in this country. People were happy and always gave credit to their king and his sharp diplomatic approach.



         But king on the other hand knew that without his trusted advisor, he couldn’t have handled the nation properly. King always had his advisor near him and seek wisdom from him but his one thing always saddened and upset the king when he would say, “ Whatever life brings to you is because God wants something better from you”.


                       And so, one day king asked from his one of the serving girls to cut his nails and massage his hands. While girl was doing as she was asked, storm and loud sound made her frightened and jolted her out of the chair. In doing so, she cut the whole nail out of king’s fingertip. Blinded by rage he shouted, “to the dungeon with this insignificant creature”. 


Just when guards were trying to rush the girl to dungeon, king heard his advisor’s usual solemn voice,  “whatever life brings to you is because God wants something better from you.”

        As the king was so fed up with this line, he couldn’t bear to stand this time, and furiously had his advisor thrown in dungeon with the girl.

                 Next day to soothe his anger, he rode alone to the forest and soon found himself surrounded by followers of Khali.

    They tried to drag him in their village. king kept on shouting, “Do you not know I am your king!” but they didn’t care about his status and simply wanted him being sacrificed for their goddess pleasure.


  Just seconds before he was crucified, a small child observed his finger tip with no nail and shouted, “OH! You have been dogged by his beauty as his one nail is missing”.


                  After people knew his physical flaw, they started shouting and threw dirt on him as his imperfection would have meant an insult to their cruel mistress. Then they chased him away. Dirty and terrorized, he reached to the palace. After having a bath, he immediately ordered the release of advisor and girl.


      “You were right again my friend”, king uttered as they were relaxing in a pond. “But tell me one thing?”, asked the king. “How has it been better for you to spend a day and a night in dungeon?” His trusted companion responded with his usual calmness, “you see my king, if you had not put me in dungeon, I would have accompanied you to the forest today where you were ambushed and I have no missing fingertips”.


      You see sometimes we get furious when things don’t go our way and act without thinking which we later regret.

       So, don’t loose patience and remain calm as nature will always take care of it and remember, “Don’t curse the day before the sun goes down" as you cannot see the bigger picture and God always wants something better from you.

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