'Be like the Coffee Beans.......'


             Once upon a time in a cold sunny day, father and his little son were sitting in a garden. Father in those days was too busy providing their family with money that he couldn’t talk to his son for weeks because of long hour shifts.

    So, father while cleaning his glasses asked the boy how everything was going in his life.


  “Everything’s so boring”, boy gave a dry answer and then proceeded to list a cascade of bad things that had happened to him at school and outside. “It’s just one problem after the other”, boy blurted out. Life is so unfair was his bitter conclusion.

            Father who worked as a chef in a big Italian restaurant invited the boy to meet him at the restaurant which was not far from his school. “Come to me after school tomorrow before going home. I have something to show you. But, lets enjoy the beautiful afternoon for today”, father told the boy.

    Next day, after school, boy went straight to the restaurant and got excited after receiving the answer from a waiter that his father was waiting for him in the kitchen. “Go right away but also take the toque first”, waiter said. Boy after wearing toque went inside and father greeted him with a big smile.


    Then he asked for three pots and some carrots, eggs and coffee beans. The boy was confused what his father was up to.  Father put these pots in front of the boy with boiled water inside them. Then he put some carrots in the pot, the eggs in another pot and some coffee beans in the third one.

       Then for 10 minutes waited while having a chat with the boy. Then he took out the carrots, eggs and put them in separate plates. Boy was amazed as he couldn’t bought out any recipe.

      Take the fork and tell me how are they looking?", father asked while giving him the plates. 

          Boy gently pressed the carrot with a folk and then the egg.

         Carrot is softened and I can even mash it with a folk. Egg sounds like it is more hardened from inside”, boy after giving answer looked at father.


 Good”, father replied and put the mixture of water and beans in a cup and placed it in front of the boy. “Tell me how are the beans looking?”, father asked. 

              “Ha father, there are no beans inside, it’s just brown water and anyway what’s the point of doing all this?”, boy asked impatiently.


                   “The thing which I am going to tell shall help you all your life so listen carefully” – Father said and after taking a deep breath went on- “as you can see, by placing carrot, it got soften, by placing eggs, it got hardened but by putting beans in boiled water, it disappeared and created a new thing.

         For all of them, situation was same but the result was totally different."



 You see a lot of times, we get exposed to a task, a difficult situation or a judging surrounding. 

        Most of us become too soft in these times that we totally lost confidence and self esteem. 

        Or get too hard that challenge itself becomes a problem and things start to go the opposite way.


               So, if you come across those situations and shore you will do like everyone else, the trick is:

 'be like the coffee beans who changes the whole situation into something special.'

       So live a happy life and change the challenge into something wonderful, something worthwhile and something worth living.

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             so come on, let's read interesting :)

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