Comedy or Tragedy depends on you..........

Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.

                                                                   ----HORACE WALPOLE    


             One day a professor came to his class with a glass of water. Students thought he might again give the same old lesson but before anyone could speak, professor said, “you must be thinking that I would ask you about the quantity of water in it but no! This time I have another question


         Students who were expecting the same what professor had told them got attentive.

 “Tell me, what is the weight of this glass?” asked the teacher.

      Students gave answers as per their perceptions. 

   After everyone had tried, teacher smiled and said, “thanks for sharing your thought. Some of you may be right but you know what? The actual weight doesn’t matter.   

Students got confused that if not the weight, then what!

       Teacher after taking deep breath while still holding the cup replied, “what matters is for how long you hold that glass.

        The weight doesn’t matter if you just drink the water and leave the glass. While it matters the most if you neither drink the water nor let the glass go. And after sometime, your hands would start to go numb by pain and your biggest wish would be to throw the glass away.

          Similarly, most of us procrastinate when doing something or never try to let of the pain which procrastination results.   

     Instead of keep going, we stuck to that unpleasant moment and make our whole life unbearable.

      So never hold the glass too long. Just drink the water or leave it altogether”.   

  Teacher then drank the water while students watching him and thinking of the great life lesson they have just learnt.

            The moral is simple.

 If you can do something about the problem, just do it. Otherwise, leave the problem to the greater power and move forward as,

              ‘Universe has always something better for you’.

    #Rarian is  interesting

             so come on, let's read interesting :)

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  1. Good brother ibrah.....I learned a good moral on how to live in this world if I need to succeeded well....I have to stop procrastinating myself on doing things.....which perhaps when I'll take it seriously, will help me to reach my goal


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