Once a gentleman who had worked all his life to bring good and happiness was granted one wish from God. So, he wished,       “before I die, I want to visit both heaven and hell!”.

                God accepted the request and he was whisked off to the great dinning room with tables piled up and above them delicious foods and drinks. But along the tables, there were miserable looking people standing exhausted and starved. Man thought, “why are they not eating it?”

        The angle accompanying him said, “look at their hands!” Man saw that there were big chopsticks attached directly above their elbow and hence they couldn’t bend it. So, every time, they missed while trying to eat and remained hungry and frustrated.

        It must be hell, take me away from here!”

         Angle proceeded and with glimpse, they were at heaven. Again, there was a great dining room, with tables piled up and delicious foods and drinks on them but this time, people standing were cheering and laughing and were so contented. Man thought,

    “OH! Now I get, there’s no chopsticks this time”.

Angle said, “you are wrong! look carefully on their arms”.

        Man was amazed that all the people had the same chopsticks on their elbow like before but this time they had learnt to feed one another.”

   You see, sometimes heaven and hell can be the same place with same people and surroundings but the only difference is how we treat others.

          A rude behavior can cause fights in parties while gentle action can convert fights in friendships

   Next time when you eat, don’t forget to have a companion.


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