Message for the Masses............


                  Hello, hope you will be doing great.


                  So, for some time now, I have been observing the whole political situation of our country and thinking, why everything is so chaotic and mismanaged even when the PM we have right now is our choice?

Well, I haven’t come up to some very professional solution but have recently read a book named, WHY NATIONS FAIL
and here the writer argues that when nations fail to get two, only two things in its system then chaos and tensions become inevitable.

Before telling you what those things are, first understand the difference between extractive and inclusive systems. 

So as per the first one, Extractive means, to extract or take something out. Whenever we hear the word extractive political OR economic system, it simply means that the whole institution just wants the outcome and they don’t give a shit about its consequences.                   Government wants its people to work like hell and in return give them only political promises which never fulfills.

Now you must be thinking that this is only possible in monarchy or some type of dictatorship,  but no!

                 This system is possible even in democracy or in socialist societies so to say.

Take example of Ukraine.  YANYKOVYCH was elected by Ukrainian people but then what happened? 

      When people forced him to leave, he literally opened fire on its people. Take example of Turkey, France, Russia, Egypt etc. Their rulers were supported by masses but then they turned towards cruelty.

              Now the second system is relatively better which is inclusive political or economic system. Inclusive means, to include everyone. It is more or less a pure democratic system where people select their representatives but they also tolerate opposition as they know that unity is their only strength. 

Here Governments work not for their sake but for its people and that makes them pure Inclusive. Take example of Japan, South Korea, UK, France etc.

        Now as for Pakistan and many of the similar states, they may or may not have Inclusive systems but the thing which they surely lack is toleration and that’s how demagogue and Political rhetoric is the only thing they get.

I agree that we are a multi-cultural society and in them, opposite opinions are inevitable but my question here is what makes us same? 

                                And that is humanity and good hopes for future.

So, let’s shake hands, ignore our religious or cultural differences and face the cruel realities with force and unity.


      #Rarian is  interesting

             so come on, let's read interesting :)

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