
Showing posts from June, 2021

Comedy or Tragedy depends on you..........

Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.                                                                    ---- HORACE WALPOLE                      O ne day a professor came to his class with a glass of water. Students thought he might again give the same old lesson but before anyone could speak, professor said, “ you must be thinking that I would ask you about the quantity of water in it but no! This time I have another question ” .                      Students who were expecting the same what professor had told them got attentive.   “Tell me, what is the weight of this glass?” asked the teacher.        Students gave answers as per their perceptions.     After everyone had tried, teacher smiled and said , “thanks for sharing your thought. Some of you may be right but you know what? The actual weight doesn’t matter ” .     Students got confused that if not the weight, then what!         Teacher after taking deep breath while still holding th

Result of Listening others too much........

                O nce upon a time, there lived a priest in a small village. He was simple minded and innocent and mind his own business of following religious rituals.       At one point, he was awarded with a goat by a wealthy man due to his noble deeds. The priest was excited of having this reward and happily slung the goat on his shoulders and began the journey towards home.            Three lazy thugs saw the priest with a goat and thought the goat to be enough for a meal.       But the problem was, how could they cheat the priest so that they could take the goat away. After much thought, the eldest thug made a plan of fooling the priest. He told his plan to the other two and after their agreement, all three went to separate directions and hid themselves at different spots on the way back home of the priest.           As soon as the priest arrived the first hiding place, the thug came out and asked in a shocking manner,     “May hell be upon us! When a priest had to take a

Your Past isn't everything......

              I n 1888, there was a famous scientist and researcher who made his fortunes through discoveries.          One morning while reading a daily newspaper, he got astonished by having his name in the obituary section. Newspaper by mistake declared him dead while his brother was actually died two days ago.               But to his utter surprise, he was declared as   ‘ THE MERCHANT OF DEATH ’ and was criticized on the discovery of dynamite as he founded a new way of killing more humanity than in history.        After reading the whole article, he was cleared of two things. Firstly, this is what world might remember after his death and secondly, he didn’t want this to happen.        Later in life, he tried best to work for peace and left most of his wealth in a trust, that would be used to establish the awards after his name, Alfred Nobel, and that is how the Nobel Prize was created. It was an award for people who made outstanding discoveries in the fields of mankind and in


                                  O nce a gentleman who had worked all his life to bring good and happiness was granted one wish from God. So, he wished,       “ before I die, I want to visit both heaven and hell! ”.                 God accepted the request and he was whisked off to the great dinning room with tables piled up and above them delicious foods and drinks. But along the tables, there were miserable looking people standing exhausted and starved. Man thought, “ why are they not eating it?”         The angle accompanying him said, “ look at their hands!” Man saw that there were big chopsticks attached directly above their elbow and hence they couldn’t bend it. So, every time, they missed while trying to eat and remained hungry and frustrated.         “ It must be hell, take me away from here!”           Angle proceeded and with glimpse, they were at heaven. Again, there was a great dining room, with tables piled up and delicious foods and drinks on them but this time